Source code for pyscf.agf2.aux_space

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# Author: Oliver Backhouse <>
#         George Booth <>

Auxiliary space class and helper functions.

import time
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg.blas
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf import __config__
from pyscf.lib.parameters import LARGE_DENOM

[docs] class AuxiliarySpace: ''' Simple container to hold the energies, couplings and chemical potential associated with an auxiliary space. Attributes: energy : 1D array Energies of the poles coupling : 2D array Coupling vector of the poles to each physical state chempot : float Chemical potential associated with the energies ''' def __init__(self, energy, coupling, chempot=0.0): = np.asarray(energy) self.coupling = np.asarray(coupling, order='C') self.chempot = chempot self.sort()
[docs] def sort(self): ''' Sort in-place via the energies to make slicing easier. ''' arg = np.argsort( =[arg] self.coupling = self.coupling[:,arg]
[docs] def real_freq_spectrum(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' See subclasses. ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def compress(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' See subclasses. ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_occupied(self): ''' Returns a copy of the current AuxiliarySpace object containing only the poles with energy less than the chemical potential. The object should already be sorted. Returns: :class:`AuxiliarySpace` with only the occupied auxiliaries ''' nocc = np.searchsorted(, self.chempot) energy = np.copy([:nocc]) coupling = np.copy(self.coupling[:,:nocc]) return self.__class__(energy, coupling, chempot=self.chempot)
[docs] def get_virtual(self): ''' Returns a copy of the current AuxiliarySpace object containing only the poles with energy greater than the chemical potential. The object should already be sorted. Returns: :class:`AuxiliarySpace` with only the virtual auxiliaries ''' nocc = np.searchsorted(, self.chempot) energy = np.copy([nocc:]) coupling = np.copy(self.coupling[:,nocc:]) return self.__class__(energy, coupling, chempot=self.chempot)
[docs] def get_array(self, phys, out=None, chempot=0.0): ''' Expresses the auxiliaries as an array, i.e. the extended Fock matrix in AGF2 or Hamiltonian of ADC(2). Args: phys : 2D array Physical (1p + 1h) part of the matrix Kwargs: out : 2D array If provided, use to store output chempot : float Scale energies (by default, :attr:`chempot` is not used and energies retain their values). Default 0.0 Returns: Array representing the coupling of the auxiliary space to the physical space ''' _check_phys_shape(self, phys) dtype = np.result_type(phys.dtype,, self.coupling.dtype) if out is None: out = np.zeros((self.nphys+self.naux,)*2, dtype=dtype) sp = slice(None, self.nphys) sa = slice(self.nphys, None) out[sp,sp] = phys out[sp,sa] = self.coupling out[sa,sp] = self.coupling.conj().T out[sa,sa][np.diag_indices(self.naux)] = - chempot return out
[docs] def dot(self, phys, vec, out=None, chempot=0.0): ''' Returns the dot product of :func:`get_array` with a vector. Args: phys : 2D array Physical (1p + 1h) part of the matrix vec : ndarray Vector to compute dot product with Kwargs: out : 2D array If provided, use to store output chempot : float Scale energies (by default, :attr:`chempot` is not used and energies retain their values). Default 0.0 Returns: ndarray with shape of :attr:`vec` ''' _check_phys_shape(self, phys) vec = np.asarray(vec) input_shape = vec.shape vec = vec.reshape((self.nphys+self.naux, -1)) dtype = np.result_type(self.coupling.dtype, vec.dtype) sp = slice(None, self.nphys) sa = slice(self.nphys, None) if out is None: out = np.zeros(vec.shape, dtype=dtype) out = out.reshape(vec.shape) out[sp] =, vec[sp]) out[sp] +=, vec[sa]) out[sa] =[sp].T, self.coupling).conj().T out[sa] += ([:,None] - chempot) * vec[sa] out = out.reshape(input_shape) return out
[docs] def eig(self, phys, out=None, chempot=0.0): ''' Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the array returned by :func:`get_array`. Args: phys : 2D array Physical (1p + 1h) part of the matrix Kwargs: out : 2D array If provided, use to store output chempot : float Scale energies (by default, :attr:`chempot` is not used and energies retain their values). Default 0.0 Returns: tuple of ndarrays (eigenvalues, eigenvectors) ''' _check_phys_shape(self, phys) h = self.get_array(phys, chempot=chempot, out=out) w, v = np.linalg.eigh(h) return w, v
[docs] def moment(self, n, squeeze=True): ''' Builds the nth moment of the spectral distribution. Args: n : int or list of int Moment(s) to compute Kwargs: squeeze : bool If True, use :func:`np.squeeze` on output so that in the case of :attr:`n` being an int, a 2D array is returned. If False, output is always 3D. Default True. Returns: ndarray of moments ''' n = np.asarray(n) n = n.reshape(n.size) energy_factored =[None] ** n[:,None] v = self.coupling moms = lib.einsum('xk,yk,nk->nxy', v, v.conj(), energy_factored) if squeeze: moms = np.squeeze(moms) return moms
[docs] def remove_uncoupled(self, tol): ''' Removes poles with very low spectral weight (uncoupled to the physical space) in-place. Args: tol : float Threshold for the spectral weight (squared norm) ''' v = self.coupling w = np.linalg.norm(v, axis=0) ** 2 arg = w >= tol =[arg] self.coupling = self.coupling[:,arg]
[docs] def save(self, chkfile, key=None): ''' Saves the auxiliaries in chkfile Args: chkfile : str Name of chkfile key : str Key to be used in h5py object. It can contain "/" to represent the path in the HDF5 storage structure. ''' if key is None: key = 'aux' lib.chkfile.dump(chkfile, key, self.__dict__)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, chkfile, key=None): ''' Loads the auxiliaries from a chkfile Args: chkfile : str Name of chkfile key : str Key to be used in h5py object. It can contain "/" to represent the path in the HDF5 storage structure. ''' if key is None: key = 'aux' dct = lib.chkfile.load(chkfile, key) return cls(dct['energy'], dct['coupling'], chempot=dct['chempot'])
[docs] def copy(self): ''' Returns a copy of the current object. Returns: AuxiliarySpace ''' energy = np.copy( coupling = np.copy(self.coupling) return self.__class__(energy, coupling, chempot=self.chempot)
@property def nphys(self): return self.coupling.shape[0] @property def naux(self): return self.coupling.shape[1]
[docs] class SelfEnergy(AuxiliarySpace): ''' Defines a self-energy represented as a :class:`AuxiliarySpace` object. '''
[docs] def real_freq_spectrum(self, grid, eta=0.02): raise ValueError('Convert SelfEnergy to GreensFunction before ' 'building a spectrum.')
[docs] def get_greens_function(self, phys): ''' Returns a :class:`GreensFunction` by solving the Dyson equation. Args: phys : 2D array Physical space (1p + 1h), typically the Fock matrix Returns: :class:`GreensFunction` ''' w, v = self.eig(phys) v = v[:self.nphys] return GreensFunction(w, v, chempot=self.chempot)
[docs] def make_rdm1(self, phys, chempot=None, occupancy=2): ''' Returns the first-order reduced density matrix associated with the self-energy via the :class:`GreensFunction`. Args: phys : 2D array Physical space (1p + 1h), typically the Fock matrix Kwargs: chempot : float If provided, use instead of :attr:`self.chempot` occupancy : int Occupancy of the states, i.e. 2 for RHF and 1 for UHF ''' gf = self.get_greens_function(phys) return gf.make_rdm1(phys, chempot=chempot, occupancy=occupancy)
[docs] def compress(self, phys=None, n=(None, 0), tol=1e-12): ''' Compress the auxiliaries via moments of the particle and hole Green's function and self-energy. Resulting :attr:`naux` depends on the chosen :attr:`n`. Kwargs: phys : 2D array or None Physical space (1p + 1h), typically the Fock matrix. Only required if :attr:`n[0]` is not None. n : tuple of int Compression level of the Green's function and self-energy, respectively. tol : float Linear dependency tolerance. Default value is 1e-12 Returns: :class:`SelfEnergy` with reduced auxiliary dimension. Raises: MemoryError if the compression according to Green's function moments will exceed the maximum allowed memory. ''' ngf, nse = n se = self if nse is None and ngf is None: return self.copy() if nse is not None: se = compress_via_se(se, n=nse) if ngf is not None: se = compress_via_gf(se, phys, n=ngf, tol=tol) return se
[docs] class GreensFunction(AuxiliarySpace): ''' Defines a Green's function represented as a :class:`AuxiliarySpace` object. '''
[docs] def real_freq_spectrum(self, grid, eta=0.02): ''' Express the auxiliaries as a spectral function on the real frequency axis. Args: grid : 1D array Real frequency grid Kwargs: eta : float Peak broadening factor in Hartrees. Default is 0.02. Returns: ndarray of the spectrum, with the first index being the frequency ''' e_shifted = - self.chempot v = self.coupling spectrum = np.zeros((grid.size, self.nphys, self.nphys), dtype=complex) blksize = 240 p1 = 0 for block in range(0, grid.size, blksize): p0, p1 = p1, min(p1 + blksize, grid.size) denom = grid[p0:p1,None] - (e_shifted + eta*1.0j)[None] spectrum[p0:p1] = lib.einsum('xk,yk,wk->wxy', v, v.conj(), 1./denom) return -1/np.pi * np.trace(spectrum.imag, axis1=1, axis2=2)
[docs] def make_rdm1(self, chempot=None, occupancy=2): ''' Returns the first-order reduced density matrix associated with the Green's function. Kwargs: chempot : float If provided, use instead of :attr:`self.chempot` occupancy : int Occupancy of the states, i.e. 2 for RHF and 1 for UHF ''' if chempot is None: chempot = self.chempot arg = < chempot v_occ = self.coupling[:,arg] rdm1 =, v_occ.T.conj()) * occupancy return rdm1
[docs] def compress(self, *args, **kwargs): raise ValueError('Compression must be performed on SelfEnergy ' 'rather than GreensFunction.')
[docs] def combine(*auxspcs): ''' Combine a set of :class:`AuxiliarySpace` objects. attr:`chempot` is inherited from the first element. ''' nphys = [auxspc.nphys for auxspc in auxspcs] if not all([x == nphys[0] for x in nphys]): raise ValueError('Size of physical space must be the same to ' 'combine AuxiliarySpace objects.') nphys = nphys[0] naux = sum([auxspc.naux for auxspc in auxspcs]) dtype = np.result_type(*[auxspc.coupling for auxspc in auxspcs]) energy = np.zeros((naux,)) coupling = np.zeros((nphys, naux), dtype=dtype) p1 = 0 for auxspc in auxspcs: p0, p1 = p1, p1 + auxspc.naux energy[p0:p1] = coupling[:,p0:p1] = auxspc.coupling auxspc = auxspcs[0].__class__(energy, coupling, chempot=auxspcs[0].chempot) return auxspc
[docs] def davidson(auxspc, phys, chempot=None, nroots=1, which='SM', tol=1e-14, maxiter=None, ntrial=None): ''' Diagonalise the result of :func:`AuxiliarySpace.get_array` using the sparse :func:`` method, with the Davidson algorithm. This algorithm may perform poorly for IPs or EAs if they are not extremal eigenvalues, which they are not in standard AGF2. Args: auxspc : AuxiliarySpace or subclass Auxiliary space object to solve for phys : 2D array Physical space (1p + 1h), typically the Fock matrix Kwargs: chempot : float If provided, use instead of :attr:`self.chempot` nroots : int Number of roots to solve for. Default 1. which : str Which eigenvalues to solve for. Options are: `LM` : Largest (in magnitude) eigenvalues. `SM` : Smallest (in magnitude) eigenvalues. `LA` : Largest (algebraic) eigenvalues. `SA` : Smallest (algebraic) eigenvalues. Default 'SM'. tol : float Convergence threshold maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations. Default 10*dim ntrial : int Maximum number of trial vectors. Default min(dim, max(2*nroots+1, 20)) Returns: tuple of ndarrays (eigenvalues, eigenvectors) ''' _check_phys_shape(auxspc, phys) dim = auxspc.nphys + auxspc.naux if maxiter is None: maxiter = 10 * dim if ntrial is None: ntrial = min(dim, max(2*nroots+1, 20)) if which not in ['SM', 'LM', 'SA', 'LA']: raise ValueError(which) if which in ['SM', 'LM']: abs_op = np.absolute else: abs_op = lambda x: x if which in ['SM', 'SA']: order = 1 else: order = -1 matvec = lambda x:, np.asarray(x)) diag = np.concatenate([np.diag(phys),]) guess = [np.zeros((dim)) for n in range(nroots)] mask = np.argsort(abs_op(diag))[::order] for i in range(nroots): guess[i][mask[i]] = 1 def pick(w, v, nroots, callback): mask = np.argsort(abs_op(w)) mask = mask[::order] w = w[mask] v = v[:,mask] return w, v, 0 conv, w, v = lib.davidson1(matvec, guess, diag, tol=tol, nroots=nroots, max_space=ntrial, max_cycle=maxiter, pick=pick) return conv, w, v
def _band_lanczos(se_occ, n=0, max_memory=None): ''' Perform the banded Lanczos algorithm for compression of a self-energy according to consistency in its separate particle and hole moments. ''' nblk = n+1 nphys, naux = se_occ.coupling.shape bandwidth = nblk * nphys q = np.zeros((bandwidth, naux)) t = np.zeros((bandwidth, bandwidth)) r = np.zeros((naux)) # cholesky qr factorisation of v.T coupling = se_occ.coupling x =, coupling.T) try: v_tri = np.linalg.cholesky(x).T except np.linalg.LinAlgError: w, v = np.linalg.eigh(x) w[w < 1e-20] = 1e-20 x_posdef =, np.diag(w)), v.T) v_tri = np.linalg.cholesky(x_posdef).T q[:nphys] =, coupling) for i in range(bandwidth): r[:] = * q[i] start = max(i-nphys, 0) if start != i: r -=[i,start:i], q[start:i]) for j in range(i, min(i+nphys, bandwidth)): t[i,j] = t[j,i] =, q[j]) # r := -t[i,j] * q[j] + r scipy.linalg.blas.daxpy(q[j], r, a=-t[i,j]) if (i+nphys) < bandwidth: len_r = np.linalg.norm(r) t[i,i+nphys] = t[i+nphys,i] = len_r q[i+nphys] = r / (len_r + 1./LARGE_DENOM) return v_tri, t def _compress_part_via_se(se_occ, n=0): ''' Compress the auxiliaries of the occupied or virtual part of the self-energy according to consistency in its moments. ''' if se_occ.nphys > se_occ.naux: # breaks this version of the algorithm and is also pointless e = v = se_occ.coupling.copy() else: v_tri, t = _band_lanczos(se_occ, n=n) e, v = np.linalg.eigh(t) v =, v[:se_occ.nphys]) return e, v def _compress_via_se(se, n=0): ''' Compress the auxiliaries of the separate occupied and virtual parts of the self-energy according to consistency in its moments. ''' if se.naux == 0: return, se.coupling se_occ = se.get_occupied() se_vir = se.get_virtual() e = [] v = [] if se_occ.naux > 0: e_occ, v_occ = _compress_part_via_se(se_occ, n=n) e.append(e_occ) v.append(v_occ) if se_vir.naux > 0: e_vir, v_vir = _compress_part_via_se(se_vir, n=n) e.append(e_vir) v.append(v_vir) e = np.concatenate(e, axis=0) v = np.concatenate(v, axis=-1) return e, v
[docs] def compress_via_se(se, n=0): ''' Compress the auxiliaries of the separate occupied and virtual parts of the self-energy according to consistency in its moments. Args: se : SelfEnergy Auxiliaries of the self-energy Kwargs: n : int Truncation parameter, conserves the separate particle and hole moments to order 2*n+1. Returns: :class:`SelfEnergy` with reduced auxiliary dimension Ref: [1] H. Muther, T. Taigel and T.T.S. Kuo, Nucl. Phys., 482, 1988, pp. 601-616. [2] D. Van Neck, K. Piers and M. Waroquier, J. Chem. Phys., 115, 2001, pp. 15-25. [3] H. Muther and L.D. Skouras, Nucl. Phys., 55, 1993, pp. 541-562. [4] Y. Dewulf, D. Van Neck, L. Van Daele and M. Waroquier, Phys. Lett. B, 396, 1997, pp. 7-14. ''' e, v = _compress_via_se(se, n=n) se_red = SelfEnergy(e, v, chempot=se.chempot) return se_red
def _build_projector(se, phys, n=0, tol=1e-12): ''' Builds the vectors which project the auxiliary space into a compress one with consistency in the separate particle and hole moments up to order 2n+1. ''' _check_phys_shape(se, phys) nphys, naux = se.coupling.shape w, v = se.eig(phys) def _part(w, v, s): en = w[s][None] ** np.arange(n+1)[:,None] v = v[:,s] p = np.einsum('xi,pi,ni->xpn', v[nphys:], v[:nphys], en) return p.reshape(naux, nphys*(n+1)) p = np.hstack((_part(w, v, w < se.chempot), _part(w, v, w >= se.chempot))) norm = np.linalg.norm(p, axis=0, keepdims=True) norm[np.absolute(norm) == 0] = 1./LARGE_DENOM p /= norm w, p = np.linalg.eigh(, p.T)) p = p[:, w > tol] nvec = p.shape[1] p = np.block([[np.eye(nphys), np.zeros((nphys, nvec))], [np.zeros((naux, nphys)), p]]) return p def _compress_via_gf(se, phys, n=0, tol=1e-12): ''' Compress the auxiliaries of the separate occupied and virtual parts of the self-energy according to consistency in the moments of the Green's function ''' nphys = se.nphys p = _build_projector(se, phys, n=n, tol=tol) h_tilde =,, p)) p = None e, v = np.linalg.eigh(h_tilde[nphys:,nphys:]) v =[:nphys,nphys:], v) return e, v
[docs] def compress_via_gf(se, phys, n=0, tol=1e-12): ''' Compress the auxiliaries of the separate occupied and virtual parts of the self-energy according to consistency in the moments of the Green's function Args: se : SelfEnergy Auxiliaries of the self-energy phys : 2D array Physical space (1p + 1h), typically the Fock matrix Kwargs: n : int Truncation parameter, conserves the separate particle and hole moments to order 2*n+1. tol : float Linear dependency tolerance. Default value is 1e-12 Returns: :class:`SelfEnergy` with reduced auxiliary dimension ''' e, v = _compress_via_gf(se, phys, n=n, tol=tol) se_red = SelfEnergy(e, v, chempot=se.chempot) return se_red
def _check_phys_shape(auxspc, phys): if np.shape(phys) != (auxspc.nphys, auxspc.nphys): raise ValueError('Size of physical space must be the same as ' 'leading dimension of couplings.')